Clean Vision Corporation Is A Clean Technology Solutions Organization, Focused On Sustainability And Renewable Energy
An Interview with CEO Dan Bates from Tech Company News, read the article on their site here.
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your company?
A: Clean Vision Corporation is a clean technology solutions organization, focused on sustainability and renewable energy, operating and expanding through strategic mergers and acquisitions. The Company’s mission is to combine cutting edge technology with traditional capitalist market forces to create profitable solutions to global environmental issues. Clean Vision’s management team has decades of experience in the clean technology and renewable energy industries and bring this vast experience in order to drive the Company’s success.
Currently, the Company’s main focus is on its subsidiary, Clean-Seas, Inc. Clean-Seas is developing its patent pending “Plastic Conversion Network” (PCN) which was created in response the China’s National Sword policy set forth in 2018. This policy closed China’s borders to accepting plastic waste from the developed world creating a global crisis for how this waste stream is to be responsibly handled.
With the PCN the Company is setting up plastic conversion facilities around the globe that are proximate to the vast quantities of waste generated in the developed world. Clean-Seas installs and operates pyrolysis facilities around the world where plastic waste, which would otherwise end up in landfills, or incinerated, or in our oceans is converted to usable products such as low sulphur diesel fuel, and the company’s branded AquaHtm clean hydrogen.
Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?
A: The Company has recently announced partnerships to develop PCN facilities in Morocco, Turkey, France, Puerto Rico and Sri Lanka. It has also announced its up and running facility in Hyderabad, India in a partnership with the Indian Institute of chemical technology (IICT). In addition, Clean-Seas is developing clean-up programs at all of its operational facilities where it will educate and inform constituents about the global plastic waste crisis. A key differentiating factor however is that at any of these clean-up programs, most recently announced in Hyderabad under its Plastic Free Hyderabad program, and working with the Hyderabad marathon, Clean-Seas will not only pick up waste plastic but it will also demonstrate how it can be responsibly recycled into environmentally friendly fuels and commodities.
Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?
A: When Clean Vision looks ahead to what we will have accomplished, we envision the largest collection of waste-to-energy facilities in the world, solving major challenges in Africa, Asia, Middle East, and North America. We expect to be the major player in the production of “AquaHtm ”, hydrogen derived from waste plastic. Our off-takers will be regional and/or multinational, as they look for fuels derived from non-primary sources.
Clean Vision Corporation is a publicly traded company on the OTC exchange (CLNV). The Company is currently raising capital to fund operations and growth of its core businesses. We expect that in Q4 of 2022 for Q1 of 2023 the Company will be a uplisting to a senior US exchange.
Q: What can we expect from your company in next 6 months? What are your plans?
A: The next 6 months are going to be very exciting for Clean Vision and our shareholders. Through Clean-Seas, we will initiating operations in Agadir, Morocco, while we gain final permits and secure land for new facilities in Sri Lanka, Puerto Rico, Brittany, France, and Istanbul, Turkey. We expect to be expanding operations throughout India and South Asia In 2023, we expect to have additional projects under agreement and permitting in the United States.
2023 will also see the launch of our wholly owned subsidiary, EcoCell.
EcoCell has secured the exclusive worldwide license to develop and manufacture hydrogen-based fuel cells for global distribution. The Company believes that hydrogen fuel cells will play a large part in the growth of the clean energy industry allowing for 24 x 7 operation providing energy to the mobile fixed base and mobile sectors. The only byproduct of a hydrogen-based fuel cell is water, so it is truly a clean energy solution for the future.
Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
A: Clean Vision corporation has a management team that has vast experience in setting up projects all over the world. Its directors have advised three US presidents on energy policy and it has a vast understanding of international fans and how to get projects funded and commissioned around the world. The Company is positioned as a true ESG investment opportunity for investors that are looking to, “do good and do well”.
Clean Vision is committed to driving shareholder value while trying to serve our passion to prevent climate change and be good stewards of a healthy environment. We have taken “Think Globally, Act Locally” to a new level, by creating an international network of waste conversion facilities while always establishing local partnerships with whom to work, creating jobs and providing for a significant impact on the local economy and environment.