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Transforming Plastic Waste Into Opportunity

Clean-Seas helps communities around the world implement carbon-negative technology to reduce plastic pollution and build value for multiple stakeholders including governments, businesses and consumers.

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Traditional methods of plastic waste disposal are disappearing.

Many countries have severely limited or banned the import of foreign plastic waste.

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Plastic in the Oceans

A staggering 8 million tons of plastic end up in the world’s oceans every year.

How does it get there?


Most of it comes from the world’s rivers, which serve as direct conduits of trash from the world’s cities to the marine environment.

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Plastic waste is an ever expanding problem

Researchers estimate that more than 8.3 billion tons of plastic has been produced since the early 1950s.

About 60% of that plastic has ended up in either a landfill or the natural environment.

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Less than 9% of plastic waste is recycled

Most plastic waste ends up in land fills or the worlds waterways.

The Global Plastic Pollution Problem

1 Mil

Plastic bottles are sold every minute globally


Of plastic packaging is used once and discarded


Of all plastic ever made has been made since the year 2000


Or less of all plastic is economically recyclable


Of plastic is not recycled

"Plastic waste — whether in a river, an ocean, or on land — can persist in the environment for centuries.


The same properties that make plastics so useful — their durability and resistance to degradation — also make them nearly impossible for nature to completely break down. Most plastic items never fully disappear; they just get smaller and smaller.


Many of these tiny plastic particles are swallowed by farm animals or fish who mistake them for food, and thus can find their way onto our dinner plates. They’ve also been found in a majority of the world’s tap water. By clogging sewers and providing breeding grounds for mosquitoes and pests, plastic waste — especially plastic bags — can increase the transmission of vector-borne diseases like malaria."

- United Nations Environment Program



To address the crisis of existing plastic waste in the natural world, with specific focus on plastics that are difficult to recycle.

We divert plastic waste from ending up in landfills and the natural world and convert this waste to clean eco-fuels and commodities.

In identifying and developing efficient and cost effective technology solutions that address the global waste plastic crisis, Clean-Seas creates economic opportunity and social benefit in emerging and developed economies across the world.



Clean-Seas works with community stakeholders from government, business and non-governmental organizations to identify plastic waste stream challenges, and design, fund and implement innovative technology solutions, including “non-burn” waste treatments like pyrolysis and gasification (endorsed by the U.N. World Health Organization, among others.).

Every community is unique, with varying degrees of readiness to collect and sort plastics, and differing priorities for end products (i.e. ultra-low sulfur diesel, hydrogen, power generation, etc.)  All of our projects share a commitment to convert difficult-to-recycle waste plastics to valuable materials, through a clean, transparent process.

Converting the  world’s waste plastic 

into eco-fuels


Divert and convert plastic waste


Produce clean eco-fuels, and ecofriendly commodities


Reduce plastic waste in landfills, incinerators and oceans


Mitigate the impact of fossil fuels

Strengthen developing nations’ recycling infrastructure

Share blockchain data for: inputs and outputs


Clean-Seas USA HQ


2711 N Sepulveda Blvd  #1051

Manhattan Beach, CA


Phone: 425.835.1845

Clean-Seas, USA East

24 Tom’s Hollow Lane,

Orleans, MA 


Clean-Seas India Pvt Ltd


Prakruti Nivas, 2nd Floor

Prasasan Nagar, Rd No 78

Jubilee Hills

Phone: +919848127376

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Clean Vision Corp is registered in Nevada, United States, (No. NV20061289939)
The company is listed on the OTC markets as CLNV and regulated by the SEC and FINRA.


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